Our Missions
  1. Lobbying – To be the authoritative voice with authorities to influence texts that affect the practices and development of pageantry, while promoting the ethics of beauty pageants with all worldwide, national or regional authorities concerned.
  2. Accompaniment of our members – Be at your side to accompany you personally and answer all your questions and guide you through the administrative and legislative maze of beauty contests, but also when you encounter problems by accompanying you on mediations or with legal authorities.
  3. Monitoring – Provide reliable and up-to-date information by remaining constantly on the lookout for changes in our environment.
  4. Self-Regulation – Promote the pageantry model in accordance with a self-regulatory framework for ethical pageantry.
  5. Best practices within organizations – To be a platform for the exchange of best practices and benchmarking for the organization community as well as their members.
  6. Code of Ethics – To help provide a set of robust policies that set the standard of ethical conduct for the regional, national and worldwide beauty pageants community. It is designed to serve as a basis for those associated with the pageant industry.
  7. Develop your network – Meet other organizations and share experiences in order to optimize the operation of your competition.
  8. Protection of organizations – Supporting the European beauty pageant industry and promoting fair and ethical standards of competition. Our desire is to see every contestant flourish and grow through empowering contest experiences.